Plaster Ham
It was time for this recipe mostly because ham was on sale for Easter. I am nothing if not a cook of cheap convenience. So if your local grocery has some leftover ham on sale but is completely out of aluminum foil then I have a recipe for you! Let's break this down into ingredients: For Ham Medium sized ham Pot of Water Flour More water For Glaze Dijon Mustard Honey Brown Sugar Here's how I'm going to tackle this This recipe is more affected than some by the changes to foodstuffs in the last 100+ years. Ham used to be cured using a whole lot more salt than is used now. Some ham is still cured using the salt method but often modern techniques are used in combination. I'm worried that if I soak the ham for ten hours, presumably to reduce the saltiness I will just end up with water logged ham. So I mostly skipped the soaking part, but in the spirit of following the instructions I filled a pot with water and set the ham in for an hour. Nai...